How 123PassportPhoto works

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Australia Passport Photo Size Requirements

Passport picture size Width: 35 mm, Height: 45 mm
Resolution (DPI) 600
Background color White
Printable photo Yes
Digital photo for online submission Yes
Digital photo size Width: 826 pixels , Height: 1062 pixels
Photo Paper type matte
Detailed requirements

Photo size and quality

  • Two identical, good quality colour prints

  • Taken within six months and produced using dye sublimation

  • No retouching

  • have to be 35mm to 40mm wide and 45mm to 50mm high. The size of the face from chin to crown can be up to a maximum of 36mm, with a minimum of 32mm.

 Background and Lighting

  • Clear

  • focused image

  • no marks or 'red eye'

  • Plain white or light grey background that contrasts with your face

  • Uniform lighting (no shadows or reflections), with appropriate brightness and contrast to show natural skin tone

    Pose and Expression

  • Face centered and looking straight at the camera; not tilted

  • Make sure your hair is off your face so that you can see your face's edges

  • Keep your eyes open and your mouth closed

  • A neutral expression (no smiling, laughing, or frowning)


Head coverings

You can wear the covering in your passport photo if you usually cover your head for religious reasons.

The head covering must be plain, without patterns (even small ones), and worn so that your face can be seen from the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead. Your face's edges on either side must also be visible.

Jewellery and piercings

No part of your face can be obscured by jewelry, especially around your eyes, mouth, and nose.There can’t be any reflection from rings or studs.


Glasses are not allowed in passport photos.

You must avoid obscuration of your eyes by the frames and any reflection from the lenses if you are unable to take your glasses off for medical’ll need to show a medical certificate or fill in a declaration form that explains the reason.Note: vision impairment alone is not an acceptable reason to wear glasses in a passport photo.

Hearing aids

Your passport photo may include hearing aids if you usually wear them - this applies to adults, children, and infants.

Babies and infants

A photo with an open mouth is acceptable for infants (under three years of age).The photo must also meet all the other requirements.There must be no other objects or people in the photo.


Why 123PassportPhoto?

  • Save money: You don't need to pay so much for your passport photo. With 123PassportPhoto service, you can make your own passport photos and print it yourself.
  • Save time: Just take a photo using digital camera, then upload and create passport photo with 3 steps. It takes less than 5 minutes to be ready for download.
  • White background enhancement: Our premium feature can help you to adjust the photo so that you can get a white background passport photo. Most countries prefer white background passport photos.
  • Ultra high resolution photo: 123PassportPhoto generates passport photos suitable for 600 dpi printing.
  • We support 50+ countries such as USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, South Africa, Brazil, China, Singapore, Russia, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Argentina and more.

General Passport Photo Requirements

  • Neutral facial expression: a. do not open mouth; b. open eyes.
  • No glasses; No Hat.
  • Don't cover eyebrows with hair.

Find more information on requirements and photo taking tips here.

How to Print Passport Photos Using Color Printer

  1. Download the 4R sheet with multiple photos.
  2. Check the requirements and use correct 4R photographic paper (matte, semi-matt or glossy paper).
  3. Print the 4R sheet with no margins. Make sure the 4R picture fit exactly on the 4R photo paper.
  4. Cut the 4R sheet along the gray lines and you will get multiple photos.

Steps to create passport photos

  1. Select country and ID photo type, and click Start.
  2. Upload photo. In order to correctly make passport photo, the picture size should be smaller than 10MB, and the dimensions should be smaller than 4000 x 3000 pixels. The system accepts only .JPG or .JPEG files. The Crop page opens when the photo is uploaded.
  3. Crop photo to the correct passport photo size dimension.
  4. If you need white background enhancement, select an enhancement.
  5. Click the Next button, you will get a printable passport picture which is suitable to be printed on 4R (4x6") photo paper.
  6. Save the 4R sheet and print it using a photo printer or print it at any photo center.

How to Take Baby Passport Photos

  1. Lay white or light color baby quilt or blanket in a bright room or other places with good lighting.
  2. Lay the baby on the quilt or blanket.
  3. Ensure baby is looking straight at the camera with eyes open, mouth closed and not smiling.

See more tips on taking baby passport photos here.

Passport Photo Size Requirements

Find passport photo requirements for more countries here.

Quick Links to Make Passport Photos

More tutorials on making passport photos